LIC Financial Parameters & Balance Sheet Details

LIC Financial
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This article explains here you can read about LIC updated financial parameter and financial balance sheet status.

Let’s have a look at LIC Financial performance on TradingBuzzr.


   Earnings Per Share (Rs)297.41271.059.73
   CEPS (Rs)297.41271.059.73
   DPS (Rs)0.004.30-100.00
   Book NAV/Share (Rs)690.28108.60535.63
   Tax Rate (%)307.70398.22-22.73
   Core EBITDA Margin (%)-70.37-68.62-2.55
   EBIT Margin (%)0.740.713.43
   Pre-Tax Margin (%)0.740.713.43
   PAT Margin (%)0.730.713.52
   Cash Profit Margin (%)0.730.713.52
   ROA (%)
   ROE (%)74.46261.64-71.54
   ROCE (%)2.281.04120.13
   Asset Turnover (x)
   Sales/Fixed Asset (x)30.8019.5357.69
   Fixed Capital/Sales (x)0.030.05-36.58
   Receivable days0.000.000.00
   Inventory Days0.000.000.00
   EV/Net Sales (x)-0.09-0.1646.17
   EV/Core EBITDA (x)-2.76-93.1997.04
   EV/EBIT (x)-12.07-23.1947.95
   EV/CE (x)-0.01-0.0248.00
   M Cap / Sales0.000.000.00
   Net Sales Growth (%)5.9912.50-52.06
   Core EBITDA Growth (%)1826.08-78.462427.52
   EBIT Growth (%)9.632.88234.20
   PAT Growth (%)9.733.16207.55
   EPS Growth (%)9.733.16207.55
   Total Debt/Equity (x)
   Current Ratio (x)2.233.00-25.74
   Quick Ratio (x)2.233.00-25.74
PARAMETER ( in millions )MARCH 21MARCH 20YoY %
Changes In working Capital185360.61-34587.19635.92
Cash Flow after changes in Working Capital718393.21667097.737.69
Cash Flow from Operating Activities806020.38543669.2148.26
Cash Flow from Investing Activities1487923.11-418090.92455.89
Cash Flow from Financing Activities-2561254.67-186637.44-1272.32
Net Cash Inflow / Outflow-267311.18-61059.15-337.79
Opening Cash & Cash Equivalents631943.36679059.54-6.94
Effect of Foreign Exchange Fluctuations-3455.4013942.97-124.78
Closing Cash & Cash Equivalent361176.78631943.36-42.85
Share Capital1000.001000.000.00
Equity – Authorised1000.001000.000.00
Equity – Issued1000.001000.000.00
Equity – Paid Up1000.001000.000.00
Face Value10.0010.000.00
Reserve and Surplus68047.479879.42588.78
Capital Reserve1743.9559.952809.01
Share Premium21.0221.020.00
General Reserve62256.316227.48899.70
Profit & Loss A/c1128.55632.5778.41
Other Reserve2778.782825.65-1.66
Revaluation Reserve19.6619.660.00
Fair Value Change Account Cr / (Dr)784.97101.69671.92
Financial InstitutionsNA2406190.96NA
Fair Value Change Account Cr / (Dr)2729449.88-43165.636423.20
Policies Liabilities34207986.0831200005.569.64
Insurance Reserve127114.55114148.9011.36
Provisions for Linked Liabilities329591.68325352.991.30
Funds For future Appropriations33.40286.82-88.36
Total Sources of Funds37464044.6834141745.749.73
Investments – Shareholders4264.034008.406.38
Investments – Policies Holders34984407.3729579077.5718.27
Assets Held to cover Linked Liabilities329749.57321698.862.50
Unsecured Loans28132.22108905.21-74.17
Cash & Bank balances360783.18631526.28-42.87
Bank Balances & Deposits254336.32378605.18-32.82
Money at call & Short notice69401.06221323.15-68.64
Advances & Other Assets357336.09559654.90-36.15
Application money for Investments2923.581703.2971.64
Prepayments & Pre paid expenses5622.145900.42-4.72
Advances to Directors / Officers10.865.8386.28
Advance Tax paid & TDS329339.65532881.10-38.20
Other Assets1136324.911382335.65-17.80
Accrued / Outstanding Income on investments557395.60550037.791.34
Outstanding balances98557.61144153.11-31.63
Due from Other Insurance Agency0.220.23-4.35
Current Liabilities681714.55650317.134.83
Agents Balances148.69113.7630.70
Due to Other Insurance Companies-326.55464.34-170.33
Premium received in advance786.93781.560.69
Sundra Creditors162248.71155231.284.52
Claims Outstanding105026.66108616.74-3.31
Proposed DividendNA26997.34NA
Provision for Dividend Distribution Tax6.61NANA
Other Provisions45.6629875.63-99.85
Fixed Assets68794.01194441.34-64.62
Less: Accumulated Depreciation35536.9356065.39-36.62
Less: Impairment of AssetsNANANA
Total Net block33257.08138375.95-75.97
Total Assets37464044.6834141745.749.73
Contingent Liabilities275904.511402675.22-80.33
Claims against the company not acknowledged252534.10255317.81-1.09
Liability for partly paid investments23369.602.001168380.00
Liabilities under Guarantees0.81418404.66-100.00
Other Contingents LiabilitiesNA728949.19NA
ParticularsFor the year ending with the amount in Crores
Total Assets40,43,459.6737,46,404.4734,14,174.5733,66,334.62
Total Revenue3,38,492.647,06,695.026,48,336.435,73,454.57
Profit After Tax1,504.012,974.142,710.482,627.38


  • In FY2021, LIC was the country’s largest institutional investor. As a result, LIC is the biggest financial backer of the GoI. It had a portfolio worth Rs. 94,000 crore, that being the highest in its history of operation.
  • LIC also booked a profit of record Rs.37,000 crore from the stock market that too was highest in its 65 years of operation. The portfolio of LIC in 2021 was at the upside of 44.5% from Rs. 25,625 crore profit as in FY2020.
  • LIC is currently the largest life insurance company in India. It also has the largest AUM of around Rs.34 trillion. 
  • LIC recently churned its portfolio with a significant cut in Real estate, where it currently holds Rs. Four thousand one hundred crores from Rs.24,000 crore as in March 2020. Also, it has reduced its stake in IT and Internet trading stocks from Rs. 55,000 crores to Rs. 11,600 crore. Meanwhile, LIC increased its stake in the pharmaceutical companies from Rs. 17,700 crores to Rs. 37,000 crores against. LIC has also been very bullish on FMCG, consumer care and beauty care sector as it increased its stake to nearly Rs. 50,000 crores from Rs.15,000 crore.
  • LIC in FY22 registered a profit of Rs.1,437 crore in the first six months. Due to it, the share capital of LIC has increased to Rs. Six thousand three hundred twenty-five crores in the same period.
  • The new business premium of the LIC registered a growth of 554.1% in the first six months of FY22.
  • LIC’s total net premiums also registered a significant growth by Rs.1,679 crores to Rs.1.86 lakh crores from Rs.1.84 lakh crores. It also reported its overall premium and income from all investments to be valued at Rs.3.35 lakh crores in the same period.
  • LIC’s income from investments increased by Rs.15,726 crores. It has been currently valued at Rs.1.49 lakh crore in the same period.
  • Some other increases in the financial parameters of the LIC are as follows:
CATEGORYIncreased byCurrent Valuations
total premium in individual life (linked)Rs.737.08 croresRs. 1,085 crores
total premium for individual life (non-linked)Rs. 7,262 croresRs. 1.13 lakh crores  
total premium in individual pension (non-linked)Rs. 4,432 croresRs. 5,636 crores
total premium in group pension (non-linked)Rs. 90 croresRs. 66,295 crores
  • LIC’s net retention ratio is at 99.88% in FY22. Also, its 13th-month persistency ratio was at 78.18%, the solvency ratio of the firm was at 183.37%.
  • LIC has a Gross Written Premium of around 64.1%. As a result, it enjoys being the company with the highest market share in the sector. The market share of LIC has been valued at Rs. 56.405 billion USD.
  • Also, on a networking basis, it has 1.35 million agents, which accounts for nearly 55% of the total agents in the sector.
  • LIC has predominantly conquered the market without any threat. The second-largest player in India, SBI Life only has a market share of 7.9%.
  • LIC has solid fundamentals with the highest RoE, RoCE in the sector on a global level. The value for RoE stands at 82%, while the second leader Ping An Insurance of China, only accounts for 19.5%.
  • LIC is the only Company of Indian Origin to be ranked in the top five insurance companies of the world. It is also ranked the tenth most valuable company in terms of total assets. LIC is the third-largest company on a global level in terms of GWP.
  • Due to the COVID-19, the insurance sector has been badly struck as the Global life insurance market collapsed by 3.1% to USD2.79 trillion. With increased attention in the healthcare sector, the GWP and GLP will rise again with an annual growth of 4%. It expands the scope for the development of LIC.
  • Before the privatization of the insurance sector in the country, LIC had a market share of 100% in the early 2000s. It reduced to 71.8% in 2016 and currently is at 64.1% 
  • Top of Form
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  • As per the last year’s records, on September 30, 2021, LIC holds the biggest AUM; hence, it is the largest and biggest Asset Manager in the country. Its standalone AUM has been valued at around Rs. 39,558,929.24 million.
  • This much AUM accounts for nearly 3.5 times the sum of all the private players in the Life Insurance Sector. LIC is also around at a valuation of 16.3 times than SBI Life Insurance, the second biggest player in the sector after LIC.
  • Considering the massive portfolio of the LIC, it accounts for nearly 1.18 times the whole Indian Mutual Fund Industry in terms of the AUM. Thus contributing almost 18.6% to the GDP of the country. 
  • It is the largest company in the country to account for participation in the GDP of the company.
  • The market share of LIC in various categories is as follows:
Terms of Premiums64.1 %
Aspects of New Business Premium66.2 %
Individual Policies Issued74.6 %
Individual Agents55 %
Group Policies Issued81.1 %

LIC IPO Lead Managers:

  1. Axis Capital Limited
  2. BofA Securities India Limited
  3. Citigroup Global Markets India Private Limited
  4. Goldman Sachs (India) Securities Private Limited
  5. ICICI Securities Limited
  6. J.P. Morgan India Private Limited
  7. JM Financial Consultants Private Limited
  8. Kotak Mahindra Capital Company Limited
  9. Nomura Financial Advisory And Securities (India) Pvt Ltd
  10. SBI Capital Markets Limited

Company Contact Details:

Life Insurance Corporation of India
Yogakshema, Jeevan Bima Marg
Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021,

Phone: +91 22 6659 8732



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