Orissa Bengal Carrier IPO: GMP, Price, Dates, Issue Size 

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Orissa Bengal Carrier IPO is set to make its debut on 22 March 18 with 16.99 cr is logistics company engaged in goods transportation business.

Orissa Bengal Carrier IPO – overview 

IPO Dates  22-26 March 18 
IPO Price  INR 30 per share  
Fresh issue  – 
Offer For Sale  Nil 
Total IPO size  5,564,000 shares (INR 16.69 crore) 
Minimum bid (lot size)  4000 shares 
Face Value   INR 10 per share  
Retail Allocation  50%  
Listing On  BSE Emerge 
Agarwal Float Glass IPO: GMP, Price, Size & Dates

Company Overview    

Incorporated in 1994, Orissa Bengal Carrier Limited is a Raipur, Chhattisgarh based logistics company engaged in goods transportation business. The company is one of the IBA approved transporters having ISO 9001:2015 certification for provision of Quality Management System Service. It serves a broad range of industries, including steel, coal, aluminum, cement, petrochemicals, paper, marble, tiles, infra, textile, FMCG. The various types of services provided by the company include Full Truck Load Transport Services, Parcel and Part Truck Load Services/less than Truck Load (LTL). 

The company has a network of 45 branch offices spread across the various regions of the country, which serves as strategic hubs for its operations. It has a diversified customer base spreading to over 200 customers as on September 30, 2017. The clientele includes public sector undertakings, corporate and other private players from steel, aluminum, cement, petrochemicals, power, chemicals, marble, tiles, infra, textile, FMCG to name a few. 

Orissa Bengal is maintaining its own fleet of 93 owned vehicles. They also provide services by hired vehicles. 

As of September 30, 2017, the company had 83 employees, including drivers, based at different locations across the country. 

Strengths of the company 

  •  Experience: The company has got rich experience of 23 years and is an established name in the logistics industry 
    in the region. 
  • Distribution network: A branch network of 45 branches covering major geography of the country stretching from WB and Orissa in the east to Gujarat in the west, and Punjab in the north to Tamil Nadu in the south. 
  • Rich and diversified Customer base: A diversified customer base spreading to over 200 customers as on September 30, 2017. The clientele includes public sector undertakings, corporates and other private players from steel, aluminum, cement, petrochemicals, power, chemicals industry to name a few. 
  •  Quality certification: The Company has been accredited with ISO 9001:2015 certification for Quality Services by LMS Certifications Private Limited providing logistics services & handling services all over India. Additionally, we are an Indian Bank Association (IBA) approved transporter. 
  •  Vast of Area of Operation: We provide logistics services covering almost the entire nation. 
  • Strategic location: Since Chhattisgarh contributes approx. 30.00% to India’s steel/sponge iron production, 15.00% cement in India production, there is high demand from companies for transportation of goods. 

Objects of the Issue 

1. Funding working capital requirements 
2. Issue Expenses 

Company Financials      

Particulars          31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16 31-Mar-15 
Total Assets          7,624.53 6,672.51 6,111.09 
Total Revenue          21,300.22 22,055.97 20,650.43 
Profit After Tax          395.43 182.41 91.92 

Company Contact Information 

Orissa Bengal Carrier Limited 
A-1, 3rd Floor 
C.G. Elite Complex, Opp Mandi Gate 
Pandri Main Road, Raipur- 492001 
Phone: +91-771-4054518 
Email: cs@obclimited.com 
Website: http://www.obclimited.com 

Orissa Bengal Carrier IPO Registrar 

Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd 
Phone: +91-22-6263 8200 
Email: ipo@bigshareonline.com 
Website: https://www.bigshareonline.com/ 

Orissa Bengal Carrier IPO Lead Manager(s) 

  1. Guiness Corporate Advisors Pvt Ltd (Past IPO Performance) 

Lead Manager Reports 

  • IPO Lead Manager Performance Summary 
  • IPO Lead Manager Performance Tracker 


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