Rites IPO:GMP, Issue Size, Issue Price and Important dates

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Rites IPO is into fields of transport, infrastructure, and related technologies and is all set to make a debut in the stock market with an issue size of 460.51 Cr.   

Rites IPO – Overview    

 Issue Date           20-22 June 2018 
Rites IPO Opening Date           20 June 2018 
Rites IPO Face Value           INR 10 per share           
Rites IPO Price           INR 185 per share          
Rites IPO Lot Size           80 Shares          
Issue Size           460.51 Cr      
Offer for sale  
Issue Type           Book built Issue IPO           
Listing At           BSE, NSE          
QIB Shares Offered             71.71 times 
NII (HNI) Shares           194.56 times 
Company Promoters           The Promoter of the company is the President of India acting through the MoR. The Promoter currently holds, directly and indirectly (through his nominees), 100% of the pre-Offer paid-up Equity Share capital of the Company. 

Tentative Dates           

Rites IPO opening date           20 June 2018  
Rites IPO closing date           22 June 2018  
Basis of Allotment           27 June 2018 
Initiation of Refunds           28 June 2018 
The credit of Shares to Demat          28 June 2018 
Rites IPO Listing Date           01 July 2018 

Company Overview    

It provides a comprehensive array of services under a single roof and believes in the transfer of technology to client organizations. In overseas projects, RITES actively pursues and develops cooperative links with local consultants/firms, as a means of maximum utilization of local resources and as an effective instrument of sharing its expertise. 

Since its inception, the company has evolved from providing transport infrastructure consultancy and quality assurance services and have developed expertise in: 

1. Design, engineering and consultancy services in transport infrastructure sector with a focus on railways, urban 
transport, roads and highways, ports, inland waterways, airports, and ropeways; 
2. Leasing, export, maintenance, and rehabilitation of locomotives and rolling stock; 
3. Undertaking turnkey projects on engineering, procurement and construction basis for the railway line, track doubling, 3rd line, railway electrification, up gradation works for railway transport systems and workshops, railway stations, 
and construction of institutional/ residential/ commercial buildings, both with or without equity participation; and 

Rites IPO- Industry Overview    

MoR prepared a white paper titled ‘Indian Railways –– FY19 and supported by Lifeline of the nation’ ‘s infrastructure and operations in the country. Thee state of railway investment in railways has led to overstretched infrastructure with more than 60% of routes being more than 100% utilized leading to huge unmet passenger demand and decreasing modal share in freight. Further, due to passenger fares being low, passenger trains utilized two generated one– third of capacity and a third of revenues, whereas high freight rates meant railway freight was getting out of the market. Hence, GoI identified ram price in the ping investments in Indian Railways as the top priority area. GoI realized that the lack of adequate carrying capacity and the resulting congestion has accelerated Indian Railway’s loss of market share to other modal transports. 

 Rites IPO-Objectives           

  1. To carry out the disinvestment of 24,000,000 Equity Shares held by the Selling Shareholder in the Company, equivalent to 12% of the issued, subscribed.paid-up Equity Share capital of the Company as part of the Net Offer, and such Equity Shares that may be reserved for Employee Reservation Portion, if any, subject to necessary approvals. 
  • To achieve the benefits of listing Equity Shares on the Stock Exchanges. 

Rites IPO- Financial Statements          

Particulars          31-March-18 31-Mar-17   31-Mar-16 
Total Assets          48,031.69 44,092.06 36,056.30 
Total Revenue          15,637.21 12,267.27 11,591.07 
Profit After Tax          3,624.16 2,827.31  3,122.88 

Rites IPO- Strengths          

  1. The Revenue is growing at CAGR of 9.63% from FY13 to FY17.  
  2. The Company has consistently clocking EBITDA Margins above 30% in the last 5 years. 
  3. The Company is generating positive cash flows from operations in the last 5 years- Big Positive. 

Company Contact Information 

RITES Limited 
RITES Limited Scope Minar 
Laxmi Nagar, Delhi – 110 092 
Phone: +91 11 22024610 
Email: cs@rites.com 
Website: http://ritesltd.com/ 

Rites Limited IPO Registrar 

Link Intime India Private Ltd 
Phone: +91-22-4918 6270 
Email: rites.ipo@linkintime.co.in 
Website: https://linkintime.co.in/ 

RITES Limited IPO Lead Manager(s) 

  1. Elara Capital (India) Private (Past IPO Performance) 
  1. IDBI Capital Market Services Limited (Past IPO Performance) 
  1. IDFC Bank Limited (Past IPO Performance) 
  1. SBI Capital Markets Limited (Past IPO Performance) 

Lead Manager Reports 

  • IPO Lead Manager Performance Summary 
  • IPO Lead Manager Performance Tracker 


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